Artist Terri Ford’s Canyon Dusk, a 24” x 28” pastel (above), won first place overall in the December 2023 PleinAir Salon, judged by California oil painter Camille Przewodek.

Ford is an accomplished pastel painter (IAPS Eminent Pastelist, PSA Master Pastelist who’s had exhibitions at such venues as The National Arts Club in New York, The Butler Fine Art Museum, The Triton Museum of Art, The Autry Museum, The Haggin Museum and many more. A native Californian, her (frequently award-winning) representations of Pacific pines and coastlines, mission architecture, mountains, dunes, and cypress groves are inspired by the landscape’s ever changing light and conditions.

About Ford’s winning painting Canyon Dusk, Camille Przewodek had this to say: “This painting had a beautiful late afternoon light effect. The shapes in the tree were carefully thought out. Good division of the light/dark patterns. Overall, a stunning painting.”

Second place

Capturing Second Place Overall was another captivating treatment of light. This was Compliments of Fall, a 30” c 30” oil by Steven S. Walker.   

Steven S. Walker, Compliments of Fall, oil, 30” x 30”

Przewodek found Walker’s beautifully lit landscape “a very solid and well done painting. The barn was the focal point, which was painted and drawn beautifully,” she noted. “I love how this artist handled the grass and trees around the barn.”

 A full time artist, Steven S. Walker has been included in several local and national juried competitions . He’s been creating inspiring works of art for corporations and private collectors for over 20 years.  He earned his bachelor’s degree in fine arts at Virginia Commonwealth University with a concentration in illustration. He would later earn his Master’s in fine arts from Marywood University.

Third Place

Watercolorist Catherine Hillis, recently profiled here in Inside Art, snagged Third Place Overall with Busy Day at the DCA.

Catherine Hillis, Busy Day at the DCA, watercolor, 21” x 14”

“Very unusual composition,” Przewodek noted. “It put me right in this building surrounded by glass, with sunlight streaming in. This is a very complicated painting to pull off but very well done, with an unusual perspective.”

Judging artist Camille Przewodek’s creativity is centered around her excitement over light. Light as it falls on the landscape at specific times of day and under specific conditions. In addition to her art training at Wayne State University in Detroit, and earning a BFA in Illustration at the Academy of Art College in San Francisco, she studied painting with master colorist Henry Hensche at the Cape School of Art in Provincetown, Massachusetts.

Her creativity, much like Ford’s, is centered around her excitement over light as it falls on the landscape at specific times of day and under specific conditions. In addition to her art training at Wayne State University in Detroit, and earning a BFA in Illustration at the Academy of Art College in San Francisco, Przewodek studied painting with master colorist Henry Hensche at the Cape School of Art in Provincetown, Massachusetts.

When we asked her for take on competitions like the PleinAir Salon, she said the following:

What’s your advice to artists who are considering entering their work?

When you reach a certain level of competency in your work, it is time to start entering contests. Make sure you have mastered the essentials of painting but your work doesn’t have to be perfect. It is good to get out there and show the work you are creating. The other thing to keep in mind is that judging is very subjective so different judges will pick different paintings. If you don’t make it in the final picks, maybe the next time you will. Don’t give up.

What do you see as the top benefit of entering art competitions?

The top benefit of entering painting competitions is that your work is seen and you can make connections with other artists. Also it is always a pat on the back when you land in the final picks. When you do end up in the final picks, people take notice of your work and this helps grow your art career.

Camille Przewodek, Golf Course Morning, oil, 11” x 17”


The monthly PleinAir Salon rewards artists with over $33,000 in cash prizes and exposure of their work. A winning painting, chosen annually from the monthly winners, is featured on the cover of PleinAir magazine. The deadline is ongoing, so visit now to learn more.


Secrets to Painting Reflections in Water

The following is part of a series featuring a leader in the art community who will be joining us on the faculty of Plein Air Live in March 2024.

In this episode of Art School Live, Eric Rhoads welcomes watercolor artist Amit Kapoor, who gives a demonstration on how to paint reflections.

Watch: Secrets to Painting Reflections in Water 

Additional Paintings by Amit Kapoor

Painting by Amit Kapoor

“Streets of Rajasthan,” watercolor, 11.5 x 15 in., by Amit Kapoor

Painting by Amit Kapoor

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