By Kelly Kane

“My favorite subjects are those with a special quality of light and strong dark values in opposition — it could be a landscape, a garden, trees. A good subject touches my heart, my soul,” says French artist Sophie Amauger

“In Alhambra, for example, I was impressed by the light in the shadows. I took the time to think about how to translate it accurately— what colors and composition would best catch the light. I didn’t paint this scene on location but I started my painting process reflection on site. In the studio I painted it very quickly on colored UART paper. I was surprised to find it was all there in my head and that the feelings I had as I worked were the same as those I experienced firsthand. 

“In general, I spend a lot of time on location looking for the best composition and taking in the feel of the area. I try to finish my plein air pieces outdoors, but if I have to take them back to my studio, I give myself a definite period of time to finish, and then do no more. Thanks to all my plein air experience, I’m able to paint in my studio with no obvious differences in my work.

Sophie Amauger, “August near Catus” (pastel, 10 1/2 x 10 1/2 in.)

“Very often I use my outdoor paintings to make larger works in my studio. If I’m in a place I would love to paint, but I’m not there to work, I take some pictures, with my painter’s eyes — better than nothing! If I can, I make a quick sketch, paying particular attention to the values. 

“Back in the studio, I look at my photos of the scene before I get started, but I don’t keep my eyes on my computer while painting to avoid detail. To include too much is often to sacrifice the painting.”

Sophie Amauger painting near Catus

Just getting started with pastels? Check out’s Pastel Beginner Bundle!

Presenting, as we do periodically, some inspiring quotes about art and art-making – any one of which, if sufficiently understood by enough thoughtful human beings, could change the world irrevocably for the better.

“Any fool can be happy. It takes (someone) with real heart to make beauty out of the stuff that makes us weep.”
― Clive Barke

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
― Pablo Picasso (?)

A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others.
― Salvador Dali

Barbara Tapp, Dirty Dishes, Watercolor, 10” x 14” Barbara shares her unique watercolor method in her downloadable video, The Barbara Tapp Watercolor Method

“If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud.”
― Émile Zola

“Every landscape that is painted with feeling is a symbolic portrait of the artist and has very little to do with the particular geography of the place itself.”
― Aldeis Crow

“There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into sun”
― Pablo Picasso

Cheri Christensen, Hazel’s Adventure, 12″ x 24.” Cheri Christensen shares her process in a number of videos at

“One eye sees, the other feels.”
― Paul Klee