“Inchoate” (in-KO-ate) is an unusual word that means something just started, not yet fully formed. Annie Murphy-Robinson used the descriptor in the title of her salon-winning charcoal “Emily ‘Inchoate.’” There was nothing in the least bit beginner-like or not full developed in Murphy-Robinson’s charcoal work, though, and the piece took first place overall in the June 2024 monthly PleinAir Salon art competition.

Artist Kathleen Dunphy judged this month. The winners will be featured in the Sept/Oct digital Fine Art Connoisseur and printed in the Oct/Nov PleinAir Magazine. The Salon is sponsored by PleinAir™ Magazine but open to all painting styles and mediums. Below we highlight the top winners along with the judge’s comments about why their work stood out. 

These artists will be featured in the Aug/Sept issue of PleinAir™ Magazine and the Sept/Oct digital issue of Fine Art Connoisseur.


First Place Overall

Emily “Inchoate” (pictured top of page)

Annie Murphy-Robinson, Charcoal, 42×32 in.
First Place Overall
$600 Cash Prize

Beautiful execution and understanding of the medium, coupled with accurate drawing and a big emotional impact makes for a masterful work of art. What’s left unsaid in this drawing is what elevates it: the half-shadowed face, the moody background, the dream-like quality. Striking, unique, and unforgettable.


Second Place Overall

Second Place Overall: Kevin Macpherson, Market Day, Aix en Provence, Oil, 20×24 in

Market Day, Aix en Provence

Kevin Macpherson, Oil, 20×24 in.
Second Place Overall
$400 Cash Prize

Light emanates from this work, like there’s radiance in the paint itself. The subject matter is so complex but there is no trace of effort or overworking – a true sleight of hand when this much perspective and figure work is involved! Beautiful observation of subtle color shifts in the shadows while maintaining the overall value structure.


Third Place Overall

Third Place Overall: Kyle Ma, Overcast Day in the Tuileries, Oil, 24×20 in.

Overcast Day in the Tuileries

Kyle Ma, Oil, 24×20 in.
Third Place Overall
$200 Cash Prize

“Another painting with incredibly complex subject matter that’s so well depicted: pulling off the task of accurately painting the building while keeping it quiet enough for the foreground focal areas to shine takes amazing restraint and accuracy. The repetition of the purple-ish tone of the tree behind the statue throughout the painting keeps the eye moving while the flowers in the foreground lead us into the scene. So well done!”

Highlights from the winners within 30+ individual categories and runners up. All Category Winners receive a $50 Cash Prize

Best Landscape: Kyle Ma, Maricopa Point Morning, 40 x 30 in. oil

Asked for advice to artists who are considering entering their work, the judge replied:

“Choose the work that is uniquely “you” – something that really says who you are as an artist and that makes you different from everyone else. And take good photos! Crop out frames/backgrounds/fingers and try your best to eliminate glare on oil paintings.”

Best Still Life: Robin Caspari, Orchard Apples, 12 x 16 in. oil

The monthly PleinAir Salon rewards artists with over $50,000 in cash prizes and exposure of their work. A winning painting, chosen annually from the monthly winners, is featured on the cover of PleinAir magazine. The deadline is ongoing, so visit PleinAirSalon.com