Where do you get your inspiration online?

Between podcasts, YouTube, online magazines, blogs, and the vast reach and immediacy of social media, what are some of your favorite sources for news and views on painting? I really would like to hear what people would say about this.

What are the freshest, go-to sources for art news and inspiration on the Web (except of course, for Inside Art and Streamline’s sister publications 🙂 ?

Personally, I love prowling around artist’s Websites or putting an artist’s name into Google Images and seeing what comes up. However, I haven’t found an art podcast to get hooked on yet (maybe I’m just not a podcast person), nor do have particular channels on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube that I follow with any regularity (though YouTube continues to amaze in terms of how-to videos and art history documentaries).

I have three or four standby sources for keeping an eye on contemporary paintings and exhibitions. Even if you’re firmly in a realist or traditionalist camp, I find it can be great fun to browse through some of these sites. All five are venerable sites that have been inspiring painters and artists for years (eons in Internet time).

 1. Painters on Painting

This online magazine invites leading and emerging contemporary painters to publish brief opinion pieces on work they admire from historical and other contemporary painters.

2. Painting Perceptions

Insightful writing on contemporary painters painting from observation in original, non-traditional styles.

3.Artes Magazine

The equalling long-running Artes Magazine highlights museum and contemporary gallery shows primarily. In addition they run articles on architecture, design, sculpture,  independent art films, books, opera, drama – you never know.

A couple of other sites I love with excellent writing on the entire art world at large:

4. The Brooklyn Rail

5. Hyperallergic 

(Includes a great archive of interviews called Beer with a Painter)

And perhaps the very best site on the web for all things Realism, past and present, including a keyword searchable “Museum” with thousands of images:

6.The Art Renewal Center

Of course these aren’t going to be everybody’s cup of tea. Art’s like that. So, how about you?

Please send me your picks in an email by replying to this newsletter. I’d love to know what other art news and painting sites others are looking at online. I’ll gather up my favorites and share them in a future post.


Speaking of YouTube…

Inside Art’s publisher, Eric Rhoads of Streamline Publishing, was in Tennessee last week for the 2024 Plein Air Convention & Expo (PACE). You can access hundreds of interviews with and tutorials by contemporary artists on Eric’s channel.